- 1970's
- 1972.06
(株)和成보일러제작소 설립
- 1972.07
서울특별시 기계등록번호 1-1-41
- 1973.04
내무부장관 제작상 수상
- 1974.07
내연기관 및 부분품제작업 신고필(상공부변호 1428)
- 1976.12
자본금 증자(4억 7천만원)
- 1976.12
일본 SUN FLAME(주)와 ACC.의 기술제휴
- 1977.07
연료사용기기제조업 허가증(1종)
- June.1972
Hwa Seong Boiler Manufacturing Co,.Ltd. Established.
- July. 1972
Registered as machinery manufacturer with Seoul City Goverment under Registration No1-1-41
- April. 1973
Manufacturer prize awarded from Minister of Home Affairs
- July. 1974
Applied for manufacturing of Internal Combustion Engines and related components(MCI Approval No1428)
- Nov. 1976
Paid In Capital increased to 470million won
- Dec. 1976
Technology Collaboration Agreenent made with Sun Flame of Japan for manufacture of Steam Accumulator.
- July. 1977
Approbed as maunfacturer for Class-1 Fuel-using Equipment/System.
- 1972.06
- 1980's
- 1980.05
유압 PRESS 800TON외 15기종 공장시설확장
- 1980.09
일본 高慮鐵工所와 기술제휴 컴퓨터 설계착수
- 1980.10
일본 多太工業(株)와 기술제휴
- 1980.11
일본 中央化工機(株)와 기술제휴
- 1981.03
공장내 DRANE&MONO RAIL외 10기종 확장
- 1981.05
에너지 이용합리화법 제24조의 규정에 의거 전품목 형식승인득(동력자원부)
- 1982.02
국내 최초로 COMPUTER 열설계 PROGRAM 개발(노통연관식 및 수관식 보일러)
- 1984.05
한국 에너지 연구소 지정 유망 중소기업으로 선정
- 1985.01
수입원(주)럭키금석사와 계약, 영국 최초의 유연탄 보일러 메이커 ROBEY사의 보일러 설치 및 부대시설 제작 및 공급. A/S담당
- 1984.07
장유박 BOILER PLANT,국내최초로 일본大洋産業(株)와 기술협의로 설치완성(샘표식품)
- 1988.08
국내 최대의 MEMBRANE M/C도입의 3기종 증설
- 1988.09
당사 기술실 CAD SYSTEM도입 전자동 컴퓨터 설계 및 도면작성
- May. 1980
800TON hydrauic press and other 15 equipment and system added.
- Sept. 1980
Computer-Aided_design initiated with Knou-how collaboration between Takao Lronworks Ltd., Japan
- Oct. 1980
Technical Collaboration Agreement made with Datae Industrial Co.,Ltd. Japan.
- Nov. 1980
Technical Collaboration Agreement made with Choo-Au chemical Industry Co.,Ltd. of Japen.
- Mar. 1981
Crane, mono rail and other 10 toolings added.
- May. 1980
Thpe approvals for all the items obtained from Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources in accordance with the provisions under artice Article 24 of Rationalzation Act for Energy Use.
- Feb. 1982
Thermal Computer program developed for fire&Smoke Thbe and Water Tube Boiler(first in its sort in korea)
- May. 1984
Designated as the prospective Small&Meduim Firm form Energy Research Institute.
- Jan. 1985
Designated as then party to undertake installation,manufacturing/supplying of related auxiliary facilities and providing afterservices for Bituminus Coal Boilers of U.K, them worldwideleader in the field, under then contract with Lucky-Gold star Co.
- July. 1985
Designated as then party to undertake installation,manufacturing/supplying of related auxiliary facilities and providing afterservices for Bituminus Coal Boilers of U.K, them worldwideleader in the field, under then contract with Lucky-Gold star Co.
- Aug. 1988
Installed the biggest Membrane M/C in korea and added three other Machineries.
- July. 1980
Fully Automatic CAD System for designing and drafting installed in our Technical Department.
- 1980.05
- 1990's
- 1990.02
CAD SYSTEM 추가 설비 확장
- 1994.04
공장 신축 이전(남동공단) 전공장 신기계 설비도입(밴딩로울러, 크레인, 래디얼드릴머신 외 설비증설)
- 1995.09
화성화학기계 설립
- 1997.11
제34회 무역의 날 백만물 수출의 탑 수상
- 1997.11
에너지 절약의 날"국무총리상"수상
- 1998.12
ISO9001인증 획득
- Feb.1990
Added Computer and CAD systems for cover the full range of Desining and Drawing
- April. 1994
All Product manufactory installed new machinery.
- Sep. 1995
Hwa Seong Chemical Machinery Established
- Nov. 1997
The Tower was awarded as a prize for US$1million export mark for the 34th trade Day.
- Nov. 1997
Awarded "The Prime Minister Awarded"for the Energy Saving Day.
- Dec. 1998
Obtained ISO9001 CERT NO.
- 1990.02
- 2000's
- 2005.12
중국 CSEL 인증획득
- 2007.01
ASEM Stamp 인증획득
- 2010.03
물 증기 혼합 드럼형 캐비티 보일러 특허 출원
- 2011.06
기업부설연구소 설립
- 2012.03
ISO 14001 인증획득
- Dec. 2005
Obtained China Special Equipment License CERT(Boilers, Pressure Vessel A2)
- Jan. 2007
Obtained American Society of Mechanical Engineers Stamp cert
- Mar. 2010
Patent Application for Cavity Boiler with Mixed Water and Vaportion Drum
- June.2011
Corporate Research Institute Established
- Mar. 2012
Obtained ISO14001 CERT NO.
- 2005.12
- 2020's
- 2020.06
공장 신식 설비기계 도입(레디얼머신)
- 2022.12
ISO 45001 인증획득
- 2023.05
공장 신식 설비기계 도입(20T 크레인)
- Jun.2020
Installed new machinery(Radial drilling machine) in manufactory
- Dec.2022
Obtained ISO45001 CERT NO.
- May.2023
Installed new machinery(20T Crane) in manufactory
- 2020.06